Seeds of Life Montessori Academy

SOL Care (Clean & Safe)

Seeds of Life takes extraordinary measures to not only clean and sanitize the environment that our kiddos experience, but also to monitor and control many other factors that contribute to a safe and healthy environment.

COVID-19 and Environmental Cleanliness

COVID-19 & Decontamination

We have adopted a multipronged approach to prevent and reduce the risk and spread of COVID-19 during routine daily activities:

Air & Surface Decontamination

SOL Academy utilizes UVC sterilization lights in the classrooms and other areas throughout our facility on a daily basis. These lights utilize UVC which has been proven effective at killing coronavirus as well as other undesirables in both the air and on surfaces. Since UVC light can be dangerous, these lights will be mobile and only placed and utilized in classrooms and other common areas after normal school hours. For safety, they include motion detection and will automatically turn off if any motion is detected for further proactive protection. Not only do these lights actively kill Coronavirus and other viruses and bacteria, but they do so without exposing our kiddos to any harsh chemicals or irritants.

SOL uses UVC sterilization is used in the following ways:

  1. Mobile UVC sterilizers are utilized after each school day in each classroom. These mobile devices sterilize both the air and surfaces in the classroom
  2. Room based UVC air cleaners are utilized in each classroom throughout the day. These devices constantly scrub the classroom air with both HEPA and UVC technology.
  3. UVC technology has been installed into the Air Conditioning system and is sterilizing the air throughout the days as the Air Conditioning systems run.
  4. Hand Sanitizing Stations: SOL has hand sanitizing stations throughout the school and at the entrance to each classroom.

Surface Decontamination

SOL Academy has adopted a policy to use only surface cleaners listed on the EPA's List N that have been rated to kill COVID-19 on Hard/Nonporous surfaces in 30 seconds or less of contact time.

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